Meanwhile, TV reporter Jaggu (Anushka Sharma) meets a man named Sarfaraz (Sushant Singh Rajput) while both are in Bruges. However, the godman falsely claims to have attained it from the Himalayas, and refuses to return it to PK. PK later discovers that a godman, Tapasvi Maharaj (Saurabh Shukla), has his device. However, PK is confused by the various religions and their own different understandings of God. Delhi turns out to be a very large city, and people tell him that only God can help him find the device. Due to his strange behaviour, the people in the city assume him to be tipsy and refer to him as PK. The alien travels to Delhi as he is informed that it is most likely the place where his stolen device would be sold. Over there, the alien holds a prostitute's hand for several hours, and thus learns the language. Singh, who interprets this alien's behavior as sexual interest, takes him to a brothel. However, he finds out that just grabbing the hands of a stranger, whether male or female, is not accepted, and since he does not speak the language yet, he is unable to explain what he wants. The alien has the ability to transfer a person's memory to his own brain by holding that person's hands and, hence, he attempts to learn the local language through this technique. Singh helps the alien get accustomed to the village. The alien befriends Bhairon Singh (Sanjay Dutt) who assumes the alien is simply a person suffering a memory loss. Thus, he begins stealing clothes and money from couples having sex in cars with open windows. He later learns that roaming naked on Earth isn't deemed natural. The alien chases the man in an attempt to retrieve his device back but only manages to take the radio recorder of the thief. He gets stranded in Rajasthan as his spaceship's remote control device gets stolen by a villager. An alien (Aamir Khan), with a body similar to the human body, lands on Earth for a research mission on the human world.The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Finally, it is a moving saga about a friendship between strangers from worlds apart. It is also a simple and humane tale of love, laughter and letting-go. The film is an ambitious and uniquely original exploration of complex philosophies. K.'s childlike curiosity transforms into a spiritual odyssey for him and millions of others. Mends broken lives and angers the establishment. In the process PK makes loyal friends and powerful foes. People who are set in their ways for generations, are forced to reappraise their world when they see it from PK's innocent eyes. They are innocent, child-like questions, but they bring about catastrophic answers. is a comedy of ideas about a stranger in the city, who asks questions that no one has asked before. His innocent nature and child-like questions force the country to evaluate the impact of religion on its people. An alien on Earth loses the only device he can use to communicate with his spaceship.